Africa with Ordinary Hero: A Lifelong Dream Realized
I have always wanted to go to Africa.
In fact, I applied for internships with NGOs post-University, but none of those opportunities worked out. I wasn’t worried though. I thought I’d be one of those adventurous types, and take my family to help build a school and/or volunteer. Then my career sucked me in and I never made it… that is, until this past summer.
Jim and I with Asnaki from Ordinary Hero
Ethiopia was always on the top of my list to visit. I know a lot of people bucket list going on safari in Africa, but I was really more interested in learning about the people. I’d like to provide a profound reason why, but I think it all stems from hearing heartbreaking stories about the famine when I was a kid. Seeing those pictures of starving kids completely crushed me. I had a genuine want to help and learn more, but at the time there was no Internet, and I didn’t know anyone who was involved or working in that space, and frankly, there wasn’t much opportunity to learn about it at the school library.
When I was first introduced to Ordinary Hero, who work exclusively in Ethiopia, it checked all the boxes for me. Credibility, through a friend who knew the founders; grassroots enough to answer my many questions; and tangible, knowing that one day I could travel with them to see what they do and where my money was going.
Our Ordinary Hero Volunteer Group
When we arrived, we started meeting the local teams who lead the work in Ethiopia. One of the greatest things I learned about Ordinary Hero (and why I like them even more after this trip) is that they partner with local leaders who are already serving their communities. They live in Ethiopia, they speak to the people on the ground every day and they know what they need. Ordinary Hero simply help them with what they have already established.
Tesfaye addressing our group in Korah
We met Tesfaye, who after being born to parents with leprosy, grew up in Korah which was originally established as a leper community because it was near one of the few hospitals that helped people with the disease. People came from all over the country to the area and it soon became a huge community. Leprosy is now largely under control but the community has grew. Korah is also where Yared, our sponsored child lives.
Vultures circling the Trash Dump in Korah
The Addis Ababa airport, which is a major African transport hub, dumps their garbage nearby and it has now become, what I can only describe as a mountain. Many, many Korah families use it as their source of food, including Tesfaye when he was younger. As a teenager, he was hit by a car and had a severe infection in his mouth for years until he befriended a stranger who advocated for a sponsor to help him. After receiving the medical care he needed, Tesfaye’s life changed and he now advocates for the people in Korah. He has a book coming out about his life and I cannot wait to read it!
Visiting some of the sweetest babies at Talita Rise Up
Another amazing person we met was Atikilt, who runs several organizations in Southern Ethiopia, including Talita Rise Up, a house that cares for abandoned babies while working to help them find new homes. Babies are abandoned in Ethiopia at an alarming rate due to family shame, lack of resources and mental health. Babies have been dropped at Atikilt's gate, found near garbage cans and even abandoned in the forest. My heart aches just thinking about it. Out-of-country adoptions are not allowed anymore in Ethiopia, but through Atikilt’s network, she has had incredible success with local adoptions and placements. A true test to her heart and the respect her community has for her.
Atikilt and I sharing a laugh shortly after hearing her story
Not to mention, she also has a safe house for young girls who have been sexually abused. Atikilt keeps the girls safe until their perpetrators have been brought to justice. She is an absolute force and so determined to change these girls’ lives. They have taken in girls as young as six.
Ordinary Hero Field Director, Abi. A true angel on earth
On our last day, Jim and I sat with Abi, Ordinary Hero’s Field Director in Ethiopia. Born there, she spent a lot of time in Italy with her mother but returned to Ethiopia because she had a calling to help her country. She’s adopted three kids from an orphanage, she’s worked for several NGOs, and she has great English! She knew a lot about the US institutions, but wasn’t overly familiar with Canada. We explained how we had universal healthcare and options to help kids like Christos who have special needs. Her eyes looked sad when she replied, “So your government cares? That’s not how it is here.”
According to the UN, 68% of people in Ethiopia live in poverty. It is one of the poorest countries in Africa.
We all know Canada isn’t perfect. There is poverty here and we have to help the people in our own communities. But as hard as it is, we also need to look to people who have trouble because of civil unrest, child marriages, lack of education, government corruption, etc. etc. Poverty is a worldwide issue and we can’t ignore it.
Ethiopia has a lot of stereotypes which are true. There is extreme poverty. There are people living under tarps with no bed, who sleep on the ground with their babies. Sometimes people eat from the trash. We met people who literally have no shoes, and two little girls who wore leotards, but no skirts or pants.
Post Lollipop Bliss
But there is also extreme joy, friendship and faith. So many people we met had overcome such incredible odds to help their country. The large majority of people do belong to a religion and keep God at the centre of their lives. Despite the hardships, their way of life is quite beautiful. In fact, I left more hopeful than ever before.
Today is Giving Tuesday. If you are so inclined please donate to Ordinary Hero HERE (donations are in USD) and/or follow their Instagram and consider sharing their message.
With love and optimism,